79: How I Got My Literary Agent + Book Proposal Writing With Erin Rachel Doppelt

Erin Doppelt
79: How I Got My Literary Agent + Book Proposal Writing With Erin Rachel Doppelt

In this episode Erin shares everything she did to land a prestigious NYC literary agent & agencies plus how she created her book proposal. Please share with anyone who wants to birth a book as there are many juicy resources in this episode.

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78: Writing As A Pathway To Healing With Allison Antonia Vraniak

Erin Doppelt
78: Writing As A Pathway To Healing With Allison Antonia Vraniak

In this episode we have Allison, my client and friend, talking about her journey becoming a healer. We are present together during this episode in Costa Rica and Allison shared a transformational Thai Massage workshop. Allison speaks to us about writ...

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77: Healing the Subconscious in Your Life and Business with Jenna Brown

Erin Doppelt
77: Healing the Subconscious in Your Life and Business with Jenna Brown

In this episode we have Jenna Brown subconscious healer for women in business. We dive into:

-Feminine business is based off of honoring your energy, cycles + your unique design -the issues you are facing in your business are typically limiting beli...

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76: Healing Through Sound with Becca Laurito

Erin Doppelt
76: Healing Through Sound with Becca Laurito
In this episode we have professional musical Becca Laurito share with with us how transformational sound can be in our lives. 
We speak about:
- Why Sound is such an effective tool for healing and meditation. - Common mistakes and pitfalls many Sou...
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75: Design Research & Innovation For Conscious Leaders & Brands with Hannah Duffy

Erin Doppelt
75: Design Research & Innovation For Conscious Leaders & Brands with Hannah Duffy
In this episode we have Hannah Duffy design researcher, innovation and meditation expert. Erin interviews Hannahs about:

- Why design thinking and innovation will be vital to help conscious leaders help their clients and users heal, discover and str...

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74: My Parasite Cleanse & Doing The Deep Work With Erin

Erin Doppelt
74: My Parasite Cleanse & Doing The Deep Work With Erin
My Parasite Cleanse & Going Deep

“You can only take your clients as deep as you’re willing to take yourself”

Jon and I just finished a 7 day parasite cleanse which also required a 7 day pre and post diet

It was transformational to our health and w...
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73: 30 Things I've Learn in 30 Years Part 3 of 3

Hey beauties, this is a combo of spirituality, mindset, love, entrepreneurship, alignment & Erinisms. These are the lessons I wish someone told me and also the truth on my heart. May it serve you. 
In this episode we dive into the truth b...
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72: 30 Things I've Learn in 30 Years Part 2 of 3

Hey beauties, this is a combo of spirituality, mindset, love, entrepreneurship, alignment & Erinisms. These are the lessons I wish someone told me and also the truth on my heart. May it serve you. 
In this episode we dive into manifesting you...
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71: 30 Things I've Learn in 30 Years Part 1 of 3

Hey beauties, this is a combo of spirituality, mindset, love, entrepreneurship, alignment & Erinisms. These are the lessons I wish someone told me and also the truth on my heart. May it serve you. 
In this episode we dive into my person
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70: You Come From The Future with Editor & Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine Jason Feifer

In this episode we talk about failure, mindset and vulnerability. Jason also shares why he can’t taste or smell anything and where he would go on his Eat, Pray & Love journey.

Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, and host ...

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