Winter Detox Soup

This soup is a detox metabolism booster designed to aid the liver in cleaning out the body; specifically for clear and vibrant skin. The high (good) fat content aids the skin is elasticity, helping to build new healthy skin cells.


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This Communication Tactic Could Be The Key To Saving Your Marriage. Here's What You Need To Know

As seen on MindBodyGreen

The relationship-boosting properties of mindfulness and meditation are hard to argue with, and here's why: One of the side effects of having a regular mindfulness practice is the ability to communicate with your partner at a...

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Living in a (mostly) Silent Ashram for 30 days

We sit in meditation for two hours each day. Half the time we are chanting mantras in Sanskrit, the other half we are in silence. I wish I could say every meditation Iโ€™m guided off into white puffy clouds where my mind is empty and free from all anxi...

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My Hearts Eye

Erinโ€™s blog is as beautiful as the butterflies. It rests on the right notes for the right amount of time. And leaves a clear picture in the eyes of the reader.

Some have an inquiring mind and a heart on fire for spiritual awareness which is why we a...

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How to Maintain A Spiritual Practice While Traveling

As seen on

Whenever I travel I find myself so involved in the adventure that I forget to practice my daily spiritual habits. But it is crucial to continue these spiritual practices in order to stay grounded and connected to our authen...

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