50: Quarantine 15 with Holly Toronto

In this podcast, we talk about The “Quarantine 15.” We also dive into the #1 reason you might still be emotionally eating and my love affair with tortilla chips. Holly shares healing practices and how to use the embodiment to navigate challenging...

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49: Don’t Sleep with Him Yet with Dr. Nancy Lee

In this episode we have Dr. Nancy Lee telling us about her new book Don’t Sleep with Him Yet a Badass Guide to Dating in 10 Empowering Steps. I love this episode because we get into the research behind your brain on love and your brain on sex! Dr...

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48: Using you Energetic Blueprint to Maximize your Life with Human Design Expert Erin Claire Jones

In this episode we have Erin Claire Jones talking sharing her expertise on Human Design! This is the energetic blueprint of your life decided by where you were born, what time and the place. Erin talks us through how to use human design to build ...

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47: You Do You with Lauren and Biegz from Well/Behaved

In this episode we have Lauren and Biegs from Well/Behaved Podcast talking about their mantra, "you do you." So often we hear from wellness experts who have "already made it," and Lauren and Biegs talk about being in the thick of building a brand...

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46: Orgasm Meditation with Marissa Ward

In this episode we talk about the technique behind Orgasm Meditation or OMing. We speak about the healing properties that are paired with this practice and living life in a mindful or orgasmic state. Marissa shares how OMing enriched her life and...

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45: Co-Creating with The Universe with Shamanic Healer Anahata Ananda

In this podcast we talk about quantum leaping into 2020 will all your aligned goals and visions. Anahata tells us about her path to become a shaman and soul coach and the amplified energy that lies in the land of Sedona, Arizona. We talk about

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44: *Blink* your Eyes and Wellness Practices with Eye Health Guru Dr. Rudrani Banik

In this podcast we talk about blinking for eye health, the foods to eat to protect your vision and the 20min/20sec rule when looking at screens. We touch on how glasses work and the magic of sunglasses to avoid harmful UV rays. We talk about when...

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43: Connecting to Your Past Lives with Julie Ryan

In this podcast, we talk about heaven, death and dying and connecting with our spirit guides. Julie guides Erin on a past life regression and tells her all about her past life as a Priest in Rome! It is very exciting! Julie shares the rule of 2 m...

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42: Gratitude for our Failures Leading Us to Functional Medicine with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

In this podcast we talk about biofeedback, gratitude for our ADD, Boredom and important failures. We also connect on the psychology of eating and understanding the some people have a genetic sweet tooth. In this episode Sandra talks about her rit...

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41: The Rituals Book and Soul Medicine for Female Entreprenurs with Natalie MacNeil

In this episode we have Natalie MacNeil chatting with us about her new book The Rituals. We dive into a really deep conversation where we discuss Natalie’s rebrand where she now integrates more spirituality, feminine and mindfulness into her busi...

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